Friday, June 23, 2017

Beauty Or Beast?

 There is incredible beauty in the air tonight. This storm produced near baseball sized hail when it hit Cedar Falls and Waterloo, Iowa on June 15, 2017. The back side of the storm was incredibly gorgeous with its hues of coral, pink, blue, gray, and purple. 

   Awesome colors, the rhythmic pounding beat of the rain drops, the smell just before it starts, the brief but striking illumination of the lightning as it fills the sky, and the clean fresh feeling when the storm has passed are major draws for me. Where others see only destruction, I see great beauty, even when they are at my door step. A little strange? Maybe, but I love storms. I may not love the destruction and pain they can cause, but I do love the graceful brilliant scenes they create. No painting could ever turn out as beautiful as anything that God creates.

Amazing! Is it a beauty or a beast? It is all in the eye of the beholder, I suppose. Take time to enjoy the little things.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Detecting The Yard!

I'm back in the yard again! I know it has been a while. Life has been catching up with me. I did have a chance to dig up some lost treasure in between rain storms and heat waves. 

Metal detecting relaxes me. It is, after all, digging up history. Check out the things I found while metal detecting my back yard, then grab your detector and get out there!

5 Pennies
Some Foil
1 Nail
1 Dime
1 Drill Bit
2 Can Tabs
1 Key Ring
1 Faucet Filter
1 Beer Bottle Cap

Yeah, I know. Not a huge treasure, but the fun of detecting is well worth all the time spent on it.