Monday, September 12, 2016

Coffee Chat: Making A List, Checking It Twice

No, Santa isn't coming to town quite yet. I'm just getting organized by making my list. Okay, I make them daily. It is the one way that I can make sure that I get everything done in the day that needs to be done. List making helps me to lay things out on paper that are stuck in my brain so that I can sleep at night without thinking about them. Sounds a little nutty, I know.

I make lists about things that need to be done during the day, long term goals, short term goals, groceries, bills, YouTube and blog things I need or want tot watch or read, or subjects I would like to blog or YouTube about, and much much more. Crossing things off the list is extremely satisfying because it means that things are getting accomplished and I'm being productive. There is nothing more motivating than crossing a bunch of "To Do"'s off of a well organized list. The biggest thrill is when the whole list is finished, this is rarely done in a day.

There are more of you list makers out there, don't be shy. Making list is a great organizing tool. It can keep you on task and at the end of the day, if you haven't finished the list, you can always pick up where you left off or add the remains to another list. Either way you should feel proud of yourself because you have taken another step forward to getting yourself organized. Great Job!

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