Sunday, July 26, 2015

Buy A Hotel

I remember one time my mother telling me that she wished she could buy a hotel so that each of us kids would have a place to live on our own but still be close to her. I laughed when she said that not knowing the depth of the meaning of her words. Being the fourth of six kids and watching our parents do everything they could to keep us happy and healthy, it seemed like a huge job. I would have thought they would do about anything for a moment's peace. Now, being the mother of two adult children and an eight year old, the struggle of emotions is real as I have watched two of them grow and go their own way.

Having children is a great blessing. Watching them grow, mature, and their personalities shape. I can't tell you how many times my two oldest told me they were never gonna leave home. But I knew that inevitably they would do as so many children have done before, setting out into the world on their own. They have that longing for experiences of life that they can't get under my wing. It isn't easy to let go. So much time as a parent is spent protecting, teaching, and preparing them just to one day hear them say they are ready to strike out on their own. Then, of course, all you want to do is lock them away where they can be kept safe.

You think back over the years as they were growing up and ask yourself, "Did I do enough to prepare them? Did I teach them right?" Fear and doubts creep in about your parenting abilities. But eventually you realise that this is part of the process of growing up and coming of age. They need this experience in life so they will one day be able to pass on their wisdom to their children. This road is one I have been on as well as my mother and her mother before her. Children grow up and move on to experience love, pain, joy, and sarrow because this is what they are supposed to do. They will potentially meet the love of their life. Some will become parents and yes, like my mother and now me, they will want to buy a hotel!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Facebook Recipes

If you have Facebook, you have seen tons of these. Recipes, that look absolutely amazing, pour in on Facebook all the time and I cant tell you how many times I have said, "Hey, I'm gonna try that one." Well I am going to start a new kind of blog post that will go along with my regular posts. Facebook Recipes will be coming soon! I will be making (maybe with small variations depending on ingredients) and reviewing them so stay tuned, one of your favorites may just pop up. Have suggestions? Look for PastelPriceless on Facebook and post them there!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

The Most Beautiful Dragon In The World!

I love watching my son's mind at work. What most people would think of as a ripped plastic bag, he finds beauty and purpose in. Cultivating creativity is so easy when you look at it through the eyes of a child. Don't ever force a child to conform to what society thinks art should look like. Stifling what they create in their minds is a horrible mistake. He makes paper into things that have no meaning to the average person but to him it is a whole new world. It flies and so does his imagination.

What does this look like to you?

To me it is the most beautiful dragon in the world! 

The art of a child comes from a place of purity of soul and innocence that seems to be lost later in life. Cherish this time and encourage the ability to use the imagination to it's fullest potential.

Allow them to open their minds to possibilities.

Display it proudly!

Encourage them to explain what they see in their art.  Show your children how beautiful you think their mind is. If they believe that you believe in them, they can reach for their dreams with more confidence and be ready to take on the world!

Friday, July 3, 2015

The Power Of The Great Outdoors

Never underestimate the power of the great outdoors to lift your spirits. It clears the head, relieves tension, prevents depression, and helps me to plan my days. Who can be unhappy when looking at scenes like these?
Bird Oasis

The Power of Flowers
Up Close and Personal

Peaceful Visitor
  My mornings are spent on the back deck seeing amazing nature scenes, breathing in the brisk air, and listening to the local wildlife.

Beauty And Power

At the End Of the Day

  Evenings are spent gazing at the sunset and reflecting on the day. I just can't resist the power of the great outdoors!

Thursday, July 2, 2015

My Son Says I Make The Best!

My son says I make the best Banana Bread in the whole wide world! Considering his vast amount of experience with food world wide (I'm being sarcastic, of course.) I will certainly take the compliment and run with it! So here is the Best Banana Bread In The Whole Wide World recipe!


Cream together bananas, eggs, brown sugar, melted butter, milk, and vanilla extract. Mix flour and baking soda together thoroughly then add to the creamed banana mixture. Make sure to mix thoroughly so there are no lumps. Pour into a bread pan that has been coated with cooking spray. Bake till golden brown top cracks slightly or 1 hour and 25 minutes in a preheated 325 degree oven. 

This and a nice hot cup of coffee in the morning, what could be better?