Tuesday, July 7, 2015

The Most Beautiful Dragon In The World!

I love watching my son's mind at work. What most people would think of as a ripped plastic bag, he finds beauty and purpose in. Cultivating creativity is so easy when you look at it through the eyes of a child. Don't ever force a child to conform to what society thinks art should look like. Stifling what they create in their minds is a horrible mistake. He makes paper into things that have no meaning to the average person but to him it is a whole new world. It flies and so does his imagination.

What does this look like to you?

To me it is the most beautiful dragon in the world! 

The art of a child comes from a place of purity of soul and innocence that seems to be lost later in life. Cherish this time and encourage the ability to use the imagination to it's fullest potential.

Allow them to open their minds to possibilities.

Display it proudly!

Encourage them to explain what they see in their art.  Show your children how beautiful you think their mind is. If they believe that you believe in them, they can reach for their dreams with more confidence and be ready to take on the world!

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