Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Repurposing Over-Ripe Apples

Do you have some apples that are going to waste? Here is a great way to use them up and make your house smell fantastic in the process.

Take one apple and slice it up, core and all. Throw it in a sauce pan with about two cups of water. Add a teaspoon of cloves and/or about five to ten drops of clove essential oil, and a stick or two of cinnamon. You may also throw in some orange peel. Now put it on the back burner of your stove at a very low setting and slowly simmer it all day. You may have to add a bit of water here and there throughout the day and it should never be left completely unsupervised. You may also use a small crock-pot or electric candle warmer.

There you have it! No chemicals or candles, just natural delicious smells filling your home.

Children should be supervised by a responsible adult while making this.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Coffee Chat: Early Mornings!

Oh, how I love waking up early in the morning when the world around me is still asleep or waking. Yes, I am one of those morning people that usually wakes up happy and ready to start the day. Annoying, I know! 


Waking up early in the morning also affords me other benefits such as drinking a hot cup of coffee in peace, sitting on the back deck breathing in the crisp morning air, listening to the neighboring squirrels have their usual morning battle in the two nearby trees, and mentally making a list of things that need to be done in the day. Most mornings I can finish at least half of the list by the time my son wakes up. This morning waking early gives me time to write this blog and communicate with you fine people. This is always a good thing! 

Part of my morning walk!

The morning is also a great time to go for a walk, when there is less traffic. I love morning walks, but don't take enough of them. Exercise in the morning always starts the day off right. A good morning read is always a superb way to start the day too, whether it be a book or the Sunday morning paper.

One of the best parts of waking up early and probably my favorite is this!


Thursday, September 24, 2015

Small Spaces For A Happy Home

One of the best ways I know to make my home a place I love to be in is to make small spaces that make me happy. A reading area to relax in, a comfortable pillow arrangement, a bookcase full of interesting things to read, or even a soft blanket to snuggle in while watching a movie can all help your home become an oasis of your own making. Do you have favorite books or magazines that can be displayed? Or maybe you have a piece of furniture, lamp, or art that makes you smile. Feature these things, instead of hiding them for safe keeping, so that your home becomes an extension of you and your hopes and dreams.

Statues and art can be inspiring but also they can expand the imagination you dream of places that you have never seen, but would like to, in times that you have never been.

My favorite lamp!  

My comfy couch complete with pillows and cuddly blanket.

Mother's mismatched tea set that makes me think of good times with her.

Fresh flowers and pictures of family can brighten your day!
Pictures of family and friends cause good memories to flood my mind when I pass by them. Inherited gifts give me great joy when I use them knowing that loved ones have also used and enjoyed them.

Simple sentiments are placed around the home to remind me to enjoy life and everything it has to offer.

Small spaces that make life more enjoyable add up to a home that is more enjoyable. You never know what a difference these things can make until you give them a place of prominence in your home. Just think, these are just a few simple things that can be done to make your home more of a part of you, a reflection of your life past, present, and future.

Monday, September 21, 2015

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Friday, September 18, 2015

My Slideshow of Fall Decor

Autumn Decorating.

I did a few small changes around the house to celebrate Autumn! This time of year is filled with wonderful smells, sites, sounds, and tastes. Fall is my favorite time of year. Here are few decor changes I have made so far.

Happy Autumn everyone!

Thursday, September 3, 2015

The American Bison of Fontana Park Near Hazelton, Iowa

If you get the chance to do a little traveling and you want to see some beautiful animals, check out Fontana Park near Hazelton, Iowa. We recently had the opportunity to return to this beautiful park. The Bison are particularly impressive in this park and we had the chance to view these majestic animals up close.



Just looking at them you get the sense of tremendous power and history.

Eating green beans.

I think he sees me.

Shedding his coat.

They speak to each other with a deep low grunt and snorting.

Fontana also has coyotes, foxes, a very large bear, eagles, raccoon, ducks, rabbits, turtles, and many other animals and birds. It is definitely worth the time spent to drive there and it's FREE! .