Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Slow Down

I am very sorry that the blog has slowed down. I am facing a health issue right now that requires surgery this Friday, April 1st. I will be back to normal blogging soon. thank you for your patience.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Coffee Chat: The "Girly" Corner!

YAY! I finally have a room to call my own!! Isn't it sad that I am nearly 46 years old and this is the first time I have had my own room? Ever! Yes, it is a small accomplishment, but look how long it took me. 

So now that I have my own room I have added some somewhat "Girly" aspects to it. 

This one you have seen. It was a gift from my boyfriend for Valentines Day.

This was a DIY project to cover up and unsightly bulletin board.

This is yet another DIY project that is displayed over my bed to add a pop of color.

I finally have a space to display things that a 9 year old is not allowed to touch! Girly things!!

A place for collectibles, keepsakes, and even some live growing plants.

I have a place for my accessories, a shelf for my grandmother's antique musical jewelry case, and  a place for the keepsake heart necklace that is dedicated to my mother who passed away in 2012. I really miss her.

There seems to be a slight Parisian theme going on here.

And finally, I have a calm peaceful place to work or browse the net for fascinating blogs or information!

Everyone deserves their own space. If you get the chance, make your own space today. Make a place that you can go to relax filled with things that you love that make you happy. I can't believe how much of a difference it has made in my attitude and how much I actually like being at home. See what you can do with your own space in your home!