Saturday, June 20, 2015

A Place To Listen To The Rain!

I love to spend my mornings, with my coffee, on the back deck looking over the back yard. It is so relaxing to wake up with nature every morning, feel the sun on my face, smell the fresh clean air,  hear the birds and other critters, and feel the crisp breeze. It is important to have that one place to go where you can clear your mind and start your day right. Unfortunately, the weather isn't always cooperative. Of course, it is Spring and nearly Summer so rain and heat are inevitable. This being said it was time to get creative.

My solution for this dilemma? Fortunately, I have an enclosed front porch that was just waiting to be decorated and used for just this purpose. I took a few things from the house like a comfortable rocking chair,  some other furniture, a picture of some pretty flowers, some actual pretty flowers, books, and small knickknacks. Put together, this created a space that would be relaxing, allow me to open the windows, enjoy the sound of the rain and feel the breeze but still remain dry. Then it poured!!

But the storm had a beautiful ending.


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