Saturday, June 13, 2015

Coffee and Tea With Me!

    As I have explained before, and I am sure many of you can identify, I have a horrible time getting going in the morning. Making things easier for myself is a must. Everything needs to be easily accessible so that I don't trip over myself in the morning trying to get it ready to use.

Introducing The Coffee Station

No, it is nothing too complicated but it certainly helps in the morning not to have to look for everything just to make a great cup of coffee. My Coffee Station is located at the end of the counter, near the sink, below the cabinets where my favorite coffee mugs are stored. 

We don't use the coffee pot for just coffee. It is used to heat water for instant coffee, tea, and cocoa as well as my Ready-Made Pecan Raisin Oatmeal. All of these things are conveniently stored in a basket or jar in the coffee station.

Waking up and making coffee shouldn't be a chore. Having it all set out and ready to use helps start the day right by making it easier. For more a more detailed look at The Coffee Station, check out this video!

Relaxed mornings make for better days! 

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