Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Eating Healthy Is So Hard

Eating healthy is so hard when you have little preparation time and no will power. One of the ways that I have found to cure this problem is to take one day a week, usually Sunday for me, to prep ahead of time.

Cooking meat ahead of time for at least five meals is a very helpful tip since this seems to be the task that takes the most time.

Chopping and packaging vegetables that you will need for the week helps also.

Even bagging up the lunch items so the kids or hubby can grab and go makes it easier.

Already made rice or quinoa are available in the freezer section of the local grocery store.

All of these preps make life so much easier during the week and are readily available so that willpower isn't as much of an issue anymore. It all took less than an hour out of my Sunday to prepare, too! Make your life easier today and give this method a try.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

When You're Sick

I don't know about you, but these past Autumn and Winter seasons have been horrible for me for catching colds. Maybe it was just the prolonged warmth of the seasons. I mean, how often do we have almost a week of 70° F in the month of February in Iowa? So far, I have had seven colds. Needless to say, I am sick of being sick. I like chicken noodle soup but this is ridiculous.

Speaking of Chicken Noodle Soup, since I had been sick so much, there was a need to find a way to change it up a bit. Creativity was an essential. There are many things that can be added to a can of Chicken Noodle Soup to make it different and add beneficial nutrients. Spices like cayenne pepper, paprika, and garlic are great for your health as well as the various herbs that are available. Below is one of the recipes that I used to change things up and add some healthy benefits and taste to the meal.

Chicken Noodle Soup

1 Can Of Chicken Noodle Soup (brand of your choice)
1 Bag Of Frozen Vegetables (blend of your choice)
2 Cups Of Water
1/4 Teaspoon Cayenne Pepper
1/4 Teaspoon of Garlic

In a small pot combine all ingredients. Heat till vegetables are fully cooked. Enjoy! 
I used a stir-fry blend of vegetables. You can choose your own favorite. Also, herbs and spices can be varied and or substituted for the ones that I used.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Coffee Chat: Spring has sprung!

  Thank goodness Spring has finally sprung! Not that we had much of a Winter, mind you. It is nice to know that we don't have to worry about the looming threat of snow or below zero temperatures. We can now put away the Winter coats, hats, gloves, and snow boots that have been cluttering our entries in favor of umbrellas, jackets, sweaters, and rain boots. I know, it doesn't seem like much of a swap but you have to remember just exactly Spring has in store.

  Already, the Robbins and other birds have returned to build their nests and lay their eggs, the flowers are poking up from the ground, and the rain showers have begun. The buds are popping out all over the trees where leaves, flowers, or fruit will surely follow. The trees drop their buds over small brooks or creeks flowing freely where frogs will begin their melodies and animals come out of hibernation or hiding to drink.

  Now, finally, you can shed your heavy winter coats and in place pull on a cardigan or rain jacket. Warm breezes sweep from the south carrying with it Spring showers that bring back the color to the land. Finally, we can walk outside without fear of slipping and falling on our behinds or hurting ourselves. (You can tell I'm getting older, huh.) No more waking up a half an hour to an hour early to clean the snow off of the car or shovel the driveway to go to work. No more slippery roads to navigate.

  It's time to get that Spring cleaning done. Open the windows, where you can, and let the fresh clean air in. Take down your Winter decor and start putting out the lawn ornaments, firepits, grills, and furniture that you spend your Spring and Summer on. Oh yeah, it is time to start cleaning out your campers, tents, coolers, and sleeping bags, because that season is just around the corner. Start reserving your camping spots now.

  All of you fishermen or fisherwomen out there, it is time to get out the boat! Fix up your rods and reels and find those life jackets. I know fishing is one of my favorite activities. What is that you say? Fishing not exactly your cup of tea? Baseball, track and field, and soccer have begun, not to mention the fact that the golf courses will be opening again if they haven't already.

  The farmers will be cultivating the ground soon, planting the crops that feed the world. Gardening is planned and planting is beginning including a bounty that will please the sight and the palette. Of course, all of you metal detecting enthusiasts can bring out your detectors and finally be able to dig into the unfrozen ground, where permitted. Traveling around, looking for dig permissions is an adventure in itself.

  There are so many things to look forward to this time of year, it is hard not to be excited about Spring. Get out and enjoy the outdoor activities, nature, and exercise! You probably won't regret it and your body will thank you!