Sunday, February 28, 2016

Coffee Chat: Scarves!! The one accessory that I won't be without.

To me, there are few things more comfy feeling than a scarf around my neck. Weird, I know. But during the cooler months when the house feels drafty and the wind outside is howling, you will often see me snuggling up in one of my favorites. Even in the house, though they are meant to be accessories, I enjoy the fact that my neck and upper back are covered and the cool air can't get to them. Being cold is not even remotely enjoyable for me. Call me a wimp, but it seems to take forever for me to get warm again after catching a chill. The last three days, though it hasn't been really cold but still breezy, they have come in handy. Recently I acquired a small collection from my daughter, when she moved, that I was more than happy to add to my own collection.

This beautiful green scarf is a gift from my oldest daughter for Mother's Day. Stunning!!

I have scarves for every season.
Hey look, it is me not catching a chill!

Love the vibrant colors!

Of course, there are other advantages to wearing a scarf other than warmth. They can cover or make up for a low cut blouse or shirt, a stain or flaw on a shirt, or a blemish on the skin of your neck. Also, a nice scarf can be worn over the hair to keep it in place during a windy day.We all know how that can go, don't we girls?  Yes, they are a beautiful accessory for color and style.  Scarves are the one accessory that I need in my wardrobe!

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Nearly Empty Nesting

This is what we prepare them for, right? We raise our children to be responsible and productive adults so that they can make their own way in the world. Why is it so hard to let go?

How did they grow up so fast?

My daughters recently moved into an apartment together just thirty miles from home. Yes, they have moved out before. One moved to a different state for four years and the other into an apartment on her own. But years after they moved out, they came back. For the past five years, my oldest daughter has been living with me. The youngest lived with my ex-husband who was generous enough to take her in. She was seven blocks away so it was like having them both at home.

Now they are gone again. 

Obviously, I am happy that I had a part in raising two beautiful well adjusted young women. Indeed, I am the proud mom. It was very hard to let go even though they are in their twenties. Part of me wants to keep them close forever and keep them as safe as possible. But the other part says that it is time for them to spread their wings and fly the way they were meant to. That and wouldn't it be nice to not have to share a room with my nine year old son for a change. Yes, I do still have a nine year old son to keep me company and now can devote more attention to his needs. They are all my babies and we as parents spend so much time protecting them. We forget that eventually they leave the nest and try the the things they have learned from us. They will make mistakes and learn from them as they always have.

Though they are only thirty miles away, I will be a mom that worries after them forever. I can't help it! So for now, I will enjoy the freedom of having a girly bedroom instead of a toy infested nine year old boys play room. And, I will watch from afar as the two oldest take the steps to make lives for themselves away from the shelter of mom. I miss them already! :(

Sunday, February 14, 2016

My Valentine's Present

Look what my sweetie got me for Valentine's Day!!! He knows me so well. Love it!!!!! Love my man!!

Can't wait to show you all my bedroom reveal coming in a couple of weeks. Stay tuned!!

Friday, February 12, 2016

Top 5 Ways I Use Youtube

I personally love YouTube! Yes, you read that right. Can't tell you how many times I have used it for information from How-To's to just general entertainment. It is actually an extremely useful tool when used correctly. Here are the Top 5 Ways I Use YouTube.

  1. Motivation There are times that I can have a huge problem with getting motivated to do things like clean the house or get things organized. There are so many videos on YouTube of people cleaning and their organizing ideas it will make your head spin. If you watch a few, it will get you in the mood to clean. It's like going to your best friends' house and seeing how clean theirs is. That usually makes me want to step it up. These videos, however, will show you how to clean and organize everything from your refrigerator to your garage to your car. 
  2. Recipes Oh how I love recipes! On YouTube you can watch professional chefs and grandma cooking in her kitchen. Their are a wide range of recipes for food of almost any kind. There are also recipes for homemade products such as facial scrubs, hair products, dish soap, laundry soap, cleaning products, and even makeup. You need to know how to make it? Look it up on YouTube.
  3. Movies, Music, Fitness There are movies of every genre on YouTube. Look it up and chances are that you will find it there. Some are pay, some are not. It all depends on what you want to watch. Plenty of documentaries in a variety of subjects are there too. If you want to see a music video, listen to a song, or see a performance of a song or event, chances are that some kind soul has uploaded it on YouTube. There are also multiple fitness programs as well. Tired of your usual workout? Give it a look! 
  4. Reviews One of the most handy videos that you will find on YouTube are the reviews of products. Makeup, drinks, movies, books, cars, and other products' review videos are all over.  All you have to do is type in what you want to know about and the word review afterwards and there will be multiple choices. 
  5. Education I love this aspect of YouTube. If you have a thirst for education, like me, this is the place to go. Books, lectures, and demonstrations are all over YouTube. Just type in what you are interested in learning about and chances are it is there. You can catch the news on YouTube also. Check it out, you could become one of the most educated people you know. 
Give YouTube a look!

Monday, February 8, 2016

My Top 5 Things I Wouldn't Want To Be Without

I recently watched a video or two on YouTube with the subject heading of Five Things I couldn't Live Without. I'm not into designer bags or trendy fashion accessories but there are somethings in my life that I would never want to be without. Here they are!

  1. A Great Friend and Family Support System I love my family and friends and without them I would be nothing. No we don't always get along and sometimes we even hurt each other but we know someone always has our back.
  2. An Automobile Yeah, this is something we take for granted at times but when we don't have one, we feel trapped and isolated. Mine is a 98 Dodge Caravan. It is a rust bucket and is about to turnover 200,000 miles but it still starts every morning.
  3. A Roof Over My Head and Food In Our Bellies Another of the things we take for granted, but there are too many people without these luxuries. During this time of year, I speak of Winter, I have a warm place to lay my head and shelter for my children. We have food. Yes' I complain about the rent and the price of food, but it is truly a small price to pay.
  4. My Babies Okay, I'm getting sappy, I know. My kids are my life and without them I would be lost. It is a lot of work raising kids but I, like many of you, wouldn't trade it for anything. They are 100% worth every effort.
  5. My Faith In God Faith has gotten me through the most horrible times in my life. Without God in my life things would have fallen apart long ago. This is one thing that my mother gave me at a very young age and to this day I thank her. It is what made her a strong woman and He continues to do the same for me. 

This is an unconventional Top 5 but these things are what make my life easier and worth living. Take stock of your Top 5 Things That You Would Not Want To Be Without today!