Tuesday, December 26, 2017

The Day After Christmas/No New Years Resolutions

Things change in a blink of an eye. Moving from season to season can be rough!
I just took a very cold walk down to the bank. Yes, it is the day after Christmas, it's -4 F outside with a  wind chill of -22 F. Definitely not my first choice for walking weather but it was actually pretty invigorating and enlightening. 

I'm not all that fond of cold weather or Winter in general mainly because I worry about my kids traveling on it all the time, even just walking on it. Yeah, I know, OMS (Overprotective Mom Syndrome). Okay, that may or may not have been something that I just made up.  I have fallen on ice many times, one ending up in surgery, ice terrifies me. What I realized by going for that little walk was that even though I desperately didn't want to go out there, let alone go for a walk, I have made it through so many worse things in my life. A cold walk down the street, only a couple blocks, didn't hurt me and all of the things that have happened in my life, good or bad, haven't really hurt me either. I survived even when I didn't think I would. I am stronger than I often think I am.

That's right, it is a little deep conversation for the day after Christmas. I realize a brisk walk a couple of blocks down the road is no big deal, but to me it is. For myself, I spend a lot of time NOT doing things because I am afraid of failure or getting hurt. But when I have failed or gotten hurt, I have always gotten back up, dusted myself off, and moved forward. You can't truly fail unless you give up. From every hurt, loss, or retry comes learning and being a forever learner is not a bad thing.

You are right, I am 47 and should have learned this a long long time ago and maybe I did. Unfortunately, as life goes on, we forget that there is always a time when we can retrain our minds and start over. We may not achieve everything we want and that is okay. Giving up your dreams, goals, and will to try is not okay. 

New Year Resolution time is coming up. I usually don't make resolutions for the new year because this is something that we shouldn't wait for the new year to do. If you want to make changes in your life or, like me, just remind yourself that you are still alive and you have the power to change anything in your life anytime, do it now! I'm not waiting anymore. Yes, I believe in caution and staying safe. More than that, I believe in being myself and not limiting myself based on fear of the unknown or what time of year it is.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Lesson Learned From An Eleven Year Old

My son came into my bedroom saying that he had a bad dream and wanted to sleep with me. He cuddled up to my arm in the bed. After about 20 mins of the stuffy nose, I asked him if he was feeling ok and why his nose was stuffed up. "I don't know"' he said. Five more minutes passed and he was still pretty stuffed up so I asked what his bad dream was about. At first, he didn't want to tell me. Then, he let it spill out with tears flowing.
He said, "I was dreaming we were at the beach and I found a toy Gatlin gun and there was a strange person there. This person told me that there was a house for rent that was close to his friends for only $200 a month. So we packed up our stuff and left the house we are in but when we got to the new one it was $2 Million instead. So we were homeless and it was all my fault."
I have the sweetest little boy in the world. I comforted him and told him that neither I or his father would ever let us be in that situation. I also told him that by no means are any of the bills or tough times his fault. Apparently, I should not discuss the budget out loud around him anymore because he worries about it more than he should and more than I realized.
After letting it all out, reassurances that we would not be homeless and that it was only a bad dream, and cuddling with me for a while, he fell asleep.
No, things are not that bad financially but kids pick up on things and what we look on as a minor hardship, they can see as catastrophic. When mom and/or dad get upset, even at each other, in front of the children, the child may perceive it to be their fault. Of course, it isn't their fault, but parents, I include myself in this, should never forget to explain that it is by no means the fault of the children when things get tight or don't go as we planned.

Lesson learned!

Saturday, July 29, 2017

5 Destinations You Should Explore In Northeast Iowa

In northeast Iowa and looking for something to do this Summer? Some believe that Iowa offers nothing more than flat farm land with very little else to see but pigs, corn, and soybeans. How wrong they are! There are many attractions, for you and your family to enjoy this Summer, just waiting to be discovered. Check out some of these destinations for your Summer explorations.

  1. Nobles Island Park is just south of the beautiful Iowa town of Harper's Ferry along the Great River Road. On the Mississippi River, Nobles Island has an Artesian Well that is cool and refreshing, beautiful scenery, along with a boat jetty and dock to launch your vessel. Off the beaten path, this little gem of a park is peaceful and full of natural wonders. It is also a quiet place to picnic with family and friends.
    Artesian Well At Nobles Island Park

    The Mississippi River At Nobles Island Park
  2. Pikes Peak near McGregor, Iowa is always a stunning place to visit. This venue is perched high above the Mississippi River on gorgeous tree filled cliffs. Hiking trails, waterfalls, a visitor's center where refreshments are sold, camping, and picnic areas with spectacular views are just a few of the amenities that await you at this incredibly majestic park. This is a must see view across the water to Wisconsin. Take in the vast magnificent waterway where the Wisconsin River meets the mighty Mississippi.
    The view off of the Pikes Peak cliff.

    View number 2!

    Bridal Veil Falls in Pikes Peak State Park

  3. The Field Of Dreams! If you have seen the movie then you should see the place it was made. A lush baseball field is postured, near Dyersville, Iowa, in the middle of the cornfields out in the countryside. Walk where stars have walked. Sit where Kevin Costner and James Earl Jones sat while watching players from a lost era of baseball play. Tour the house from the movie and purchase souvenirs at the visitor's store. Maybe you will even catch a game! Run the bases and pose for pictures out in the gorgeous corn fields where players appeared. Be part of the dream.
    The house from the movie Field Of Dreams.

    The Field Of Dreams
  4. Enjoy Fontana Park near Hazelton, Iowa. In this park set back in the woods, you will see Bison roam. A small nature center with wolves, bear, fox, native birds, and other creatures is available for your viewing. Spend time in the picnic areas or fish near the dam of Otter Creek which flows from Fontana Lake. Stay in a sustainable cabin for a weekend, where you can be surrounded by nature at its finest.
    Bison At Fontana Park

    Bison at Fontana Park checking out the tourists.
  5.  Lansing, Iowa. Enjoy discovering the birding, boating, fishing, hiking the many scenic trails, and hunting around this charming little river town tucked up against the great Mississippi River. Explore this memorable town that has been designated a National Historic District and take a trip across the substantial steel bridge that spans across to the shores of the neighboring state of Wisconsin.

Bridge in Lansing, Iowa.

Where the river and the road meet!

Explore beautiful Northeast Iowa. It has so much to offer, you never know what you will find!

Monday, July 24, 2017

A Bit Of Country Life By The Creek

Try this for a family outing! There is nothing like a summer day relaxing and fishing along the creek. Enjoy your life, you only have one!!

Saturday, July 1, 2017

When Spring Attacks...And Summer Reigns.

I was lucky enough to catch these explosions of color this past Spring.

As we take time out of our busy schedules to celebrate Indepence Day on the 4th of July, let's take a look back at this marvelous display of beauty.

Let us also enjoy what awaits us in the warm summer months. Rediscover wildlife at it's finest in our gardens, parks, footpaths, and fields.

  After a long Winter, new life has returned to push away cold snow-filled landscapes and replace them with bright colors and warm air.

In a glorious attack of color, a fresh sweet aroma has filled the air to soothe the senses and give us a renewed sense of hope and calm. Fields are erupting with life-sustaining edible feasts.

Enjoy the Summer for it will be all too short and the cold will return. Take time to feel the warmth of the sun on your skin and take in the bounty that has been offered up from the ground. We will look back on fond memories of warmth and the brighter landscapes of the Spring and Summer of 2017.

Friday, June 23, 2017

Beauty Or Beast?

 There is incredible beauty in the air tonight. This storm produced near baseball sized hail when it hit Cedar Falls and Waterloo, Iowa on June 15, 2017. The back side of the storm was incredibly gorgeous with its hues of coral, pink, blue, gray, and purple. 

   Awesome colors, the rhythmic pounding beat of the rain drops, the smell just before it starts, the brief but striking illumination of the lightning as it fills the sky, and the clean fresh feeling when the storm has passed are major draws for me. Where others see only destruction, I see great beauty, even when they are at my door step. A little strange? Maybe, but I love storms. I may not love the destruction and pain they can cause, but I do love the graceful brilliant scenes they create. No painting could ever turn out as beautiful as anything that God creates.

Amazing! Is it a beauty or a beast? It is all in the eye of the beholder, I suppose. Take time to enjoy the little things.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Detecting The Yard!

I'm back in the yard again! I know it has been a while. Life has been catching up with me. I did have a chance to dig up some lost treasure in between rain storms and heat waves. 

Metal detecting relaxes me. It is, after all, digging up history. Check out the things I found while metal detecting my back yard, then grab your detector and get out there!

5 Pennies
Some Foil
1 Nail
1 Dime
1 Drill Bit
2 Can Tabs
1 Key Ring
1 Faucet Filter
1 Beer Bottle Cap

Yeah, I know. Not a huge treasure, but the fun of detecting is well worth all the time spent on it.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Good Morning World

It is a beautiful morning outside my bedroom window. Birds are singing and it is so peaceful.

What a fantastic way to wake up, watching the sunrise.

Enjoy it with me in this Time-lapse video set to music. Good morning!

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Eating Healthy Is So Hard

Eating healthy is so hard when you have little preparation time and no will power. One of the ways that I have found to cure this problem is to take one day a week, usually Sunday for me, to prep ahead of time.

Cooking meat ahead of time for at least five meals is a very helpful tip since this seems to be the task that takes the most time.

Chopping and packaging vegetables that you will need for the week helps also.

Even bagging up the lunch items so the kids or hubby can grab and go makes it easier.

Already made rice or quinoa are available in the freezer section of the local grocery store.

All of these preps make life so much easier during the week and are readily available so that willpower isn't as much of an issue anymore. It all took less than an hour out of my Sunday to prepare, too! Make your life easier today and give this method a try.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

When You're Sick

I don't know about you, but these past Autumn and Winter seasons have been horrible for me for catching colds. Maybe it was just the prolonged warmth of the seasons. I mean, how often do we have almost a week of 70° F in the month of February in Iowa? So far, I have had seven colds. Needless to say, I am sick of being sick. I like chicken noodle soup but this is ridiculous.

Speaking of Chicken Noodle Soup, since I had been sick so much, there was a need to find a way to change it up a bit. Creativity was an essential. There are many things that can be added to a can of Chicken Noodle Soup to make it different and add beneficial nutrients. Spices like cayenne pepper, paprika, and garlic are great for your health as well as the various herbs that are available. Below is one of the recipes that I used to change things up and add some healthy benefits and taste to the meal.

Chicken Noodle Soup

1 Can Of Chicken Noodle Soup (brand of your choice)
1 Bag Of Frozen Vegetables (blend of your choice)
2 Cups Of Water
1/4 Teaspoon Cayenne Pepper
1/4 Teaspoon of Garlic

In a small pot combine all ingredients. Heat till vegetables are fully cooked. Enjoy! 
I used a stir-fry blend of vegetables. You can choose your own favorite. Also, herbs and spices can be varied and or substituted for the ones that I used.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Coffee Chat: Spring has sprung!

  Thank goodness Spring has finally sprung! Not that we had much of a Winter, mind you. It is nice to know that we don't have to worry about the looming threat of snow or below zero temperatures. We can now put away the Winter coats, hats, gloves, and snow boots that have been cluttering our entries in favor of umbrellas, jackets, sweaters, and rain boots. I know, it doesn't seem like much of a swap but you have to remember just exactly Spring has in store.

  Already, the Robbins and other birds have returned to build their nests and lay their eggs, the flowers are poking up from the ground, and the rain showers have begun. The buds are popping out all over the trees where leaves, flowers, or fruit will surely follow. The trees drop their buds over small brooks or creeks flowing freely where frogs will begin their melodies and animals come out of hibernation or hiding to drink.

  Now, finally, you can shed your heavy winter coats and in place pull on a cardigan or rain jacket. Warm breezes sweep from the south carrying with it Spring showers that bring back the color to the land. Finally, we can walk outside without fear of slipping and falling on our behinds or hurting ourselves. (You can tell I'm getting older, huh.) No more waking up a half an hour to an hour early to clean the snow off of the car or shovel the driveway to go to work. No more slippery roads to navigate.

  It's time to get that Spring cleaning done. Open the windows, where you can, and let the fresh clean air in. Take down your Winter decor and start putting out the lawn ornaments, firepits, grills, and furniture that you spend your Spring and Summer on. Oh yeah, it is time to start cleaning out your campers, tents, coolers, and sleeping bags, because that season is just around the corner. Start reserving your camping spots now.

  All of you fishermen or fisherwomen out there, it is time to get out the boat! Fix up your rods and reels and find those life jackets. I know fishing is one of my favorite activities. What is that you say? Fishing not exactly your cup of tea? Baseball, track and field, and soccer have begun, not to mention the fact that the golf courses will be opening again if they haven't already.

  The farmers will be cultivating the ground soon, planting the crops that feed the world. Gardening is planned and planting is beginning including a bounty that will please the sight and the palette. Of course, all of you metal detecting enthusiasts can bring out your detectors and finally be able to dig into the unfrozen ground, where permitted. Traveling around, looking for dig permissions is an adventure in itself.

  There are so many things to look forward to this time of year, it is hard not to be excited about Spring. Get out and enjoy the outdoor activities, nature, and exercise! You probably won't regret it and your body will thank you!

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Metal Detecting Adventures: Finds In My Front Yard

One of my newer hobbies is metal detecting. As you may know from previous blog posts, I recently purchased a beginner's detector and found that detecting to be a blast. My advice is to not buy an expensive detector until you know you like the hobby. Mine has been in my possession for a while now, a friend sold it to me. Being a history lover, it was a great acquisition to feed the need.

 After spending my day watching The Hoover Boys (one of my favorite channels) and Dumb Luck Metal Detecting (one of my newer detecting channel finds) on YouTube, I was inspired to grab my detector and get out into my yard. This group of guys can really get you motivated with their fantastic personalities and fascinating finds of coins, jewelry, and other great relics. Some digs lead to rare coins from many years gone by while others bring Civil War or World War I and II era artifacts along with arrowheads, toys, buttons, and much more. There are many great channels on this subject, you should check these two out.

Since the weather has been so nice in Iowa in February, I decided to metal detect for nails and treasures in my front yard near where I park my car. Unfortunately, earlier in the year, a nail ended up in my front driver's side tire causing me to have to replace it. It was a bit cool and windy so I didn't stay out long, but I did find a few things, including the offending nails.

Today's treasures are the following: 

1 1964 Jefferson Nickel 
1 2007 Nickel
1 2001 Dime
1 Lincoln Penny (can't find date)
2 Bud Light Bottle Caps
1 Crayon (surface)
1 Top of a Toy (Nerf type)
1 Unidentified Electrical Piece
3 Of The Offending Nails

Not a huge detecting haul but now I know where to look for coins in my yard. They were all in the same place and had it been a bit warmer, my day would have been spent there. This has rapidly become one of my favorite hobbies. Get out and pick up a metal detector some time. See what kind of history you can dig up!

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Monday, January 23, 2017


It seems the atmosphere is charged with nonstop stress lately. Trying to make sense of it all is a waste of time and energy. The wasted time and energy become time missed from work, play, exploring, gaining an education, and just living life.

More often than not, we focus on the negativity of the world instead of its beauty. Frustration and anger lead to illness or dependence on other sources such as medications, alcohol, and drugs. Obviously, these other sources lead to their own set of problems.

It is time to take your life back from the world. Take time to smell the roses. Take time, even if it is only fifteen minutes a day, to do something that relaxes and recharges you. Spend time meditating, praying, singing, reading, exercising, playing or listening to music of your choice. Let it bring you back to who you are instead of the stressed out, worn out, angry people we have become. Do it for your health, your family, your friends, or even the stranger that may need you to be the non-stress point that you used to be.

Smile and learn to love and live a peaceful life again!